Introduction Post

Introversion and extroversion are words being frequently thrown around these days, whether it’s from someone sharing their results of a personality test on social media, or an acquaintance explaining away their behavior by saying “Well, it’s because I’m an introvert…” With their being used at such a high frequency, though, it can be hard to understand what the terms truly are referring to, as well as how, when you finally do understand what they mean, the concepts can be used to your benefit.

With that in mind, for my BGSU Honors Project, I have decided to create a blog that would address management considerations in relation to introversion and extroversion. The project will be covering two primary disciplines: management, and psychology. I chose to create a project in the blog format because of its informal nature and because of its identity as being composed of shorter entries. The typical manager doesn’t want to spend considerable amounts of time trying to read and comprehend long research studies and psychology journals. By formatting this in a blog, I am able to tackle what I perceive to be the most crucial elements of introversion/extroversion for a manager to know, and then deliver the necessary material in concise and easy to understand posts.

This series of blog posts will be comprised of two parts: question posts and book reviews. First, I will create four posts addressing common questions that a manager would have when exploring introversion and extroversion. I chose this method because it identifies the most important questions that a manager would ask about personality, and then I answer them just as if we were having a conversation in-person. Second, I will write three book reviews on popular non-fiction books about introversion and extroversion. The purpose of these reviews is to explain why managers would benefit from reading the books and to highlight key takeaways that they should gain.

To access these posts, there is a Table of Contents on the menu bar at the top of this page. You can either click on that to be taken to a static page with links to all of my posts, or you can hover over the button to get a drop-down list with the same links.

Also, included in the top menu are pages where you can learn more about me as a student, as well as contact me if you have any questions.


Madison Hays